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Put yourself into Corner Gas   PSD or PSP

With a layer-capable graphics program such as Photoshop (PS) or PaintShop Pro (PSP) you can take a cut-out of yourself and insert it on "insert" layer provided.


Put yourself into Corner Gas   PSD or PSP

With a layer-capable graphics program such as Photoshop (PS) or PaintShop Pro (PSP) you can take a cut-out of yourself and insert it on "insert" layer provided.



Put yourself into Corner Gas   PSD or PSP

With a layer-capable graphics program such as Photoshop (PS) or PaintShop Pro (PSP) you can take a cut-out of yourself and insert it on "insert" layer provided.


Fan Certificate

Right-click SAVE TARGET AS to your desktop or click to load full-sized image and then right-click it to SAVE AS to your desktop.  Print out and fill in name.


Dog River Dollar (front & back)

There isn't much you can buy or download for Corner Gas and certain things sort of beg to be available. I'd consider the DRD one of those must have items but I couldn't find any, so I've mocked up my own homemade version of the DRD (front and back) for your printing pleasure.



Dog River Howler

Single sheet, editable
MS Office 2003 Publisher
format .PUB


Sims 2 - Corner Gas lot (no custom content)


For such a successful show, there sure is a lack of websites, fan sites, photos and just general stuff for this show, or I could have done a lot more swag, especially the insert your pics.  I couldn't find any other suitable shots and the only one I could find isn't even good quality.  With only one more season to go, it's a little scary that we might be left with so little to play with and it'll make the end even harder than it already will be if you ask me.  Is this almost total lack of commercialism and official merchandise seen as some sort of virtue?  It isn't virtuous to me.

All images are copyright to their respective owners, no infringement intended,  no monetary gain solicited or wanted.  This stuff's just
for FUN, and no of course that is not really Brent Butt's signature on the certificate and no, that's not the official Dog River Dollar either.