My Medications

treating HCM related issues



This is a beta blocker blood pressure medication that slows down the heart's need for oxygen and decreases pressure and pulse rate.  It gives my atrium time to fully fill so my heart is working more efficiently to oxygenate the blood, and helps keep the rhythm steady.

It makes me sleepy, short of breath, and gives me chest pain, so hopefully when things calm down a bit I can go to a lower dose or even get off this medication altogether.

I started out on 25mg twice per day and then increased it a couple of weeks later to 37.5mg twice per day.  After about a month or two I increased it to 50mg twice per day, but I didn't feel very good at that dose.  I felt very sleepy and I had chest pain.  So I'm back down to 37.5mg twice per day now.  After everything calms down sometime this Summer I hope to get back down to 25mg twice per day if that'll do the job because I need my energy and this chest pain will keep me from doing much.

NOTE: This drug restricted blood flow to my extremities too much (slowly turned my feet from pink to red, red to purple, and finally purple to black) so I had to quit using it.

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This drug (HCTZ) is often used in the treatment of hypertension or heart failiure.  It reduces sodium, and therefore edema.  It can cause Hypokalemia but you can counter-act that by supplementing potassium and eating potassium-rich foods I suppose.  HCTZ also can decrease mineral bone loss (osteoporosis) by promoting calcium retention in the kidneys.

NOTE: I just did not like this drug and we decided it wasn't for me.  My edema problems have subsided either way, so no reason to keep up with it.

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Ahh Goldilocks!  Just right!  Verapamil is a calcium channel blocker, so works in an entirely different manner to the beta blocker above.  Supposedly keeps my heart calm and stable but if you want my personal opinion, neither drug does all that much other than keeping my BP and pulse down.  I still feel my tachycardia every day.  Only for a minute tho, it's not a big deal and I've always felt it my whole life, so I'm not convinced it's anything to get too excited about.

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