Places I get information and treatment related to HCM


Royal Jubilee Hospital

Victoria General Hospital

HCMA (patient info & advocacy)

1900 Richmond Road - click for directory

A LOT of stuff I do happens in this building, across the street from Royal Jubilee Hospital near the Victoria border with Oak Bay.  It houses Western Cardiology Associates, where my cardiologist (Ken Yvorchuk) and my electrophysiologist (Anthony Tang) as well as my my surgeon (Paul Novak) all work as well as the Victoria Cardiac Arrhythmia Trials Inc office where I participated in the Canadian Trials for the new St. Jude Medical device (Fortify ICD) 

LifeLab where I get most of my blood work done, an x-ray clinic and a mammogram screening clinic are all in the building too.  Even the Victoria Heart Institute Foundation is housed in this building.  It's a busy place!

Trials Research Coordinator:  

Ken Yvorchuk
Anthony Tang
Paul Novak