Gallery of pictures and images

I have yet to obtain my actual images
for all categories, but I'm working on it.


Cardiac CT Angiogram

Since I got a brand new very fancy CT scanner, my images are probably quite superior to this, we'll see when (if) I can obtain some copies.

Cardiac MRI

Generic image from a cardiac MRI - not very exciting looking but hopefully my images will be better.

Doppler Ultrasound Echocardiogram

Generic image of Doppler Cardiac Ultrasound, although I don't see how anyone could tell anything by looking at this, I do know this is how my HCM was formally diagnosed and quantified, measurement wise.  Again, maybe my own images will be better quality... we'll see if I can obtain copies.

Electrocardiogram (ECG/EKG)

Managed to snarf a copy of my ECG reading after my device testing in RJH Clinic 2 on 3MAR2010 - the problems are listed at the top center, all spelled out nicely.  Click to enlarge.

St Jude Medical ICD interrogator/programmer (Merlin)

Managed to snarf a copy of my Merlin output while being checked out by RJH Clinic 2 and the St. Jude Medical Rep Trish.  Click to enlarge.

Merlin runs a customized MontaVista Linux operating system on an Intel Pentium M processor along with a graphics stack based on Trolltech's Qt and the kernel framebuffer.

50 Hours

Don't see how to clean the wound if it's covered in steri-strips but did our best and hope for the best... otherwise all looks and seems good.

8 Days

Wow - is that a clean cut or WHAT... Good job Dr. Novak!

4 Weeks

Still a tiny bit of puckering from internal stitches but mostly you can see how clean the cut is and how awesomely small the scar will be.

This day of this photo was also my first day actually sleeping for a couple of hours on my left side, so it was a pretty great day!

9 Months

Been too long to remember exact same lighting or camera angle, so can't compare perfectly but suffice to say I don't think it's not super noticeable at this point.

I've been sleeping just fine on my left side for a few months, although I kept my habit of forming two pillows into a V-shape to cradle my body so I'm not "crushing" the area.